Advanced Optical Black Coating Technology
Performance data can be downloaded from the links at the bottom of this page.
Surrey NanoSystems' Vantablack, space qualified super black coatings are used to suppress stray light in optical systems, and for black body calibration of IR camera systems. The coatings offer high performance and spectrally flat absorption from UV to near-millimeter (THz) spectral range.
Why use our coatings in space?
The space environment presents many significant challenges for optical instrument and camera systems designers due to the high levels of light pollution from the sun, moon and earth. These challenges are compounded by the hostile operating environment and the rigours of launch.
The launch weight of the instrument package and its size are also critical considerations. Reducing the size and weight of a baffle or calibration system is made possible by our coatings' exceptional levels of light absorption from all angles, and their very high emissivity across the IR spectrum.
Technical performance data is available for download at the bottom of this page. For additional information, or to discuss a specific application please email the Technical Team or call direct on +44 1273 515800